Projects: 1990-1999

The following summary lists the total dollar amount of yearly funding and the specific projects undertaken for the past 31 years of the HLF existence.

1999 $750

The foundation commits funds for the inspection/repair of the lake’s aeration system. The foundation is awarded an $8,650 Fish America grant for additional aeration work. A trial website is developed to support the foundation.

1998 $500

Funds committed to install a culvert baffle on Pittsburgh Creek at Hwy 87. Foundation volunteers replace old wood fence posts on Duck Creek. Due to budget constraints and fear of YCT cross genetics, IDFG discontinues brook trout planting. The Henrys Lake Foundation and the Henrys Fork Foundation join forces and win a court case to stop the illegal construction of a concrete plant on Hwy 20 near the Hungry Bear Market.

1997 $5,000

Foundation volunteers repair fencing on Duck Creek. Electrical components are purchased and installed for the electric fence on the Taft/Hartman property on Kelly Springs Creek. Funds are committed for the fencing and stream bottom hardening on the Empey Ranch on Duck Creek. Foundation fences and revegetates stream bank on Pearson property on Duck Creek. Funds and labor are committed for shoreline stabilization on the Slash E Ranch and at the mouth of Targhee Creek.

1996 $5,000

The foundation approved a grant to assist with the cost of a proposed fish ladder at the Diamond D Ranch irrigation diversion dam on Howard Creek to permit the upstream passage of trout past a tributary blockage. The foundation received the Henrys Fork Foundation Conservation Award for 1996.

1995 $0

Foundation members assisted with shoreline reparation at the Frome County property.

1994 $7,000

Funding and manpower provided by the foundation and Island Park. Sportsmen used to install fence along Kelly Springs Creek on the Taft/Hartman ranch. Funds also committed to assisting with the erection of 2 miles of fencing and off-stream cattle watering systems along lake frontage between Targhee and Howard Creeks, the largest such conservation effort ever undertaken at Henrys Lake.

1993 $100

Foundation members assisted the IDFG with the installation of an air blower system for the hatchery and purchased 2 handheld radios for IDFG game enforcement efforts.

1992 $5,000

Funds are committed to IDFG for the construction of a variety of riparian improvement projects on the lake’s major tributaries. These projects included the installation of shoreline fences on the Schofield, Taft/Hartman, and Webster properties on the west shore, thereby preventing erosion by cattle on over 2 miles of shoreline.

1991 $0

In an effort to stabilize stream bank sloughing and channel cutting, foundation members and IDFG personnel tied in 450 pine treetops along the shoreline of lower Targhee Cr. on the Slash E Ranch.

1990 $4,500

40 volunteers from the foundation, IDFG, Boise Valley Fly Fishermen and others planted willows on the newly fenced section of the Flying R Ranch on Howard Creek. The foundation also contributed funding to complete the Howard Creek and Duck Creek fencing projects started in 1989, and for construction materials for future Diamond D diversion screens on Howard Creek. Funding was also committed for equipment and volunteers to monitor lake water quality after concerns arise regarding substantial winter fish kills due to low oxygen levels.

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